Ketoprofen Profenid 100 mg 20 Tabs


* The information on this page is a summary and is not intended to cover all available information about this medication. It does not cover all possible uses, directions, precautions, drug interactions or adverse effects and is not a substitute for the expertise and judgement of your healthcare professional.

Sympathetic advice your specialist before taking any medication. Brand name: Orudis (Spanish name, Profenid) Generic name: Ketoprofen Why is Orudis embraced? Orudis, a nonsteroidal alleviating drug, is used to moderate the irritation, swelling, immovability, and joint torment joined with rheumatoid joint aggravation and osteoarthritis (the most broadly perceived sign of joint aggravation). It is also used to relieve tender to control throb, and menstrual anguish. Ketoprofen may similarly be used for purposes other than those recorded in this solution associate.

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